Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wolverine Work Print

Despite all the talk that the work print being leaked online will harm the film in the box office, it has actually peaked my interest to actually watch the film in theaters. I was not a fan of any of the X Men films, I thought they were all quite terrible, but after watching the work print online I want to see how much has actually changed from that version to the theatrical release. I would think if they were smart, knowing how many people have already seen the film would entice them to change as much as possible in the time they have left. Not that it would have been needed, because I thought the film was great.

Being a film nerd I really enjoyed seeing my first work print, and watching for all the visible ropes and incomplete special effects. The missing elements were not even that distracting, which I feel proves that the trend with films today to insert as many explosions and special effects as possible is completely unnecessary.  This was the first X Men film I could actually sit through from beginning to end. 

This event might also hint to a change in the future of film. I know I watch a great deal of my films online these days, and the amount of downloads this film has received in a short period of time shows that films might benefit from online releases coinciding with theatrical releases. I know if I enjoy a film on my small computer screen, I would go to see in theaters. But going to the movies is so expensive these days I don't often waste my money unless I am sure I will enjoy the experience. And lets face it, there haven't been a significant amount of GREAT movies released in the last few years.... I can probably count them on one hand. 

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